Fixed-term university researcher (RtdB) in Philosophy of Law at the Department of Law, Roma Tre University, where he teaches Sociology of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal Informatics, and Legal Logic, Criminal Issues and Prison System. He is the Director of the Advanced Course in ‘Non-Governmental Organizations and the Protection of Human Rights’, co-sponsored by a network of associations within the Italian Coalition for Rights and Civil Liberties (Cild). Since 2005, he has served as the national president of the Antigone Association, which engages in policy-making, research, monitoring, and litigation in criminal and penitentiary fields. From 2014 to 2019, he was president of the Italian Coalition for Rights and Civil Liberties (Cild). Since 2017, he has been a board member of the international non-governmental organization NPM Observatory, which consists of international experts in the field of torture prevention. In December 2017, he was appointed as an expert of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture of the Council of Europe. He has authored essays and articles on punishment and human rights, contributes to newspapers, and collaborates with radio stations. He has also participated in ministerial commissions addressing issues of criminal execution, health, and the amendment of narcotics legislation.