Fabrizio Mastromartino is an Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Department of Law, Roma Tre University, where he teaches Legal Logic and Argumentation, Bioethics and Biolaw. Since 2024, he has also overseen the Legal Clinic course in Bioethics and Biolaw at the same department. Additionally, he teaches Philosophy of Law for the master’s degree course in Philosophical Sciences. His research interests cover the history of political thought and legal culture, theories of rights and constitutional interpretation, bioethics and biolaw. He has authored “Il diritto di asilo. Teoria e storia di un istituto giuridico controverso” (Giappichelli, 2012) and “Il matrimonio conteso. Le unioni omosessuali davanti ai giudici delle leggi” (Editoriale scientifica, 2013). He has edited several works, including “Per la libertà di espressione. Un’antologia filosofica: da Milton a Mill (Giappichelli, 2012)”, a collection of essays by L. Ferrajoli, “Iura paria. I fondamenti della democrazia costituzionale” (Editoriale scientifica, 2015 and 2017, co-edited with D. Ippolito), the collective volume “Teoria e pratica dell’eguaglianza. Percorsi di analisi critica” (L’Asino d’oro, 2018), and the anthology “L’analisi dei diritti. Teoria e logica giuridica nella jurisprudence anglosassone” (ETS, 2022).