Graduated with honors at University of Pisa, he was a Researcher in Criminal Law from 2012 to 2015 and Associate Professor from 2016 to 2023 at the same University.
PhD in “Criminal Disciplines” at the Univ. of Florence and qualified as a lawyer in 2003, he has been research fellow at the Univ. of Ferrara (2008-2009) and Univ. of Florence (2009-2011).
He currently holds a module in general criminal law, as well as courses in criminal law and new technologies, sports criminal law and military criminal law. He’s taught classes of Special High Courses in Corporate Criminal Law at the Univ. Cattolica of Milan and in Economic Jurisprudence and Public Manager at the Univ. of Pisa, as well as at the Law School of the Univ. of Pisa; he currently teaches classes in “Internet Ecosystem: governance and rights” and in “Law and trial of the family and minors” at the Univ. of Pisa. He has given lectures at the “Scuola Superiore della Magistratura” (Higher School of the Magistracy).
Since 2016 he has been the Research delegate of the Department of Law; from 2017 to 2023 he was President of the Bachelor course in “Business, labor and public administration law” and in July 2024 he’s been elected President (starting at September 2024) of the Master course in “Law at Naval Academy of Livorno”. Since 2018 he has been a member of the teaching board of the Doctorate course in Legal Sciences.
He has given numerous lectures at scientific conferences of National and International relevance. He has been member in research projects of National and European importance on control of corruption, anti-Semitism, obedience to the superior’s order (ongoing), fight against public disinformation (ongoing); he has been engaged in universities research projects on the articulation and proof of crime, penal institutions and trial deflation, infectious diseases and criminal liability. In 2017 he won the annual research funding award. He is co-director of the magazine “Studium iuris”; he is member of the scientific committee of the journals “La Legislation Penal” and “Discrimen”; he is member of the refereeing committee of the magazines “Criminalia”, “Review of military justice”, “Corporate responsibility and anti-money laundering”.
He is the author of the books “Independent Authorities and Criminal law. The Crisis of the Principle of Legality in the Polycentric State” (2010), “In foro illicito versari. The Abuse of the Process between the Ethical Dimension and the Criminal Response” (2015) and “Legitimate Home Defense. From Justification to Excuse between Presumptive Models and Subjective Tensions” (2020). He’s the author of the manual “Lineaments of Italian Military Criminal Law” (2020).
He issued about 150 publications including treatises on the subject of complicity in crimes and punishments, attempted crimes, security measures, civil effects of the crime, false proceedings and retraction, crimes against the home and against the real estate assets, as well as political association crimes, disclosure of State secrets, criminal provisions against neo-fascism, against the establishment of secret associations and associations of a military nature, organized crime, customs crimes, property crimes cultural and landscape, of criminal regulation of hunting and fishing activities. He issued essays on code reserve, guilt, criminal liability for calamitous events, as well as on sports criminal law, traffic crimes, drug handling, and crimes of opinion.